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Sharif Shaalan
Principal Salesforce.com Consultant
@ roundCorner www.roundcorner.com
Principal Salesforce.com Consultant and Owner @ Agile Cloud Consulting LLC
Co-host of the yappexchange podcast www.yappexchange.com
Salesforce.com MVP
Certified Salesforce.com Sales Cloud Consultant
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Certified Salesforce.com Advanced Administratior
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Monday, November 4, 2013

My Favorite Free SFDC Tools


  1. I believe Rollup helper is not completely free.. you are very limited with the free version..

  2. Hi Vamsi, the main limitation with the free version is it does not update the fields in real time, you have to set it to hourly, which is a deal breaker on a case by case basis. Besides that I did not run into any other free version limitations. Do you know of any more that we should be aware of? Thanks!

  3. Nonprofits now get a version that's between the paid and free version...donated! It allows for a limit of 5 real time/scheduled rollups which for many orgs, is more than enough. http://www.thinkreid.com/products/rollup-helper/nfp-discount

  4. Nice! Thanks for the update Judi, good to know!

  5. Sharif,

    Thanks for the recommendation. More information about our Rollup Helper editions can be found as at: http://www.passagetech.com/products/rollup-helper
